AAP has initiated many Research & Development activities like :

  1. Developing a new Product.
  2. Changing the dosage forms of certain medicines to increase its palatability.
  3. Substantiating and interpreting the efficacy of our existing products, all these trials are done without losing the Ayurveda Classical and Traditional Concepts.

These R &D activities are completely done & organized in a well manner by our R & D department, Quality Assurance by the Quality Control department.

Few of our NPD [New Product Development] pilot studies have been listed below


  1. Arkam Unit (ArkaKalpana) :
  • ArkaKalpana is becoming a popular dosage forms among Ayurvedic preparations due to its peculiar mode of preparation & its therapeutic effect.
  • It is a liquid preparation obtained by distillation of certain drugs soaked in water using any kind of distillation apparatus.
  • This Arka can be used in many conditions like Agnimandya, Shwasa, Kasa, etc. Its therapeutic uses are based on the specific Arka prepared & depend on the drug used in that preparation.
  • So here we are doing various trials on different types of Arka preparations & working on to substantiate the efficacy of Arka medicines which can be rarely seen in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics.


  1. Cosmetic Division :
  • We have initiated a pilot study on bathing cakes which is made of herbal products.
  • It has been designed for enhancing the skin complexion which is infused with the herbal essential oils & perfumes.
  • We are doing many trials & authenticate the different variants of bathing cakes to give different & specific effect of bathing cakes on skin.
  • We also do trials on other Ayurveda cosmetic products like Hair oils, etc.
  • We ensure that all our new products are done and validated through proper certificate of analysis issued from Quality Control & Assurance department.